Burn gay flag jail

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Tarrio posted a picture of himself holding an unlit lighter to his Parler account and admitted days later in an interview with The Washington Post that he joined in the burning of the banner. 12 and then set it ablaze using lighter fluid and lighters. Authorities say Proud Boys members stole the banner that read #BLACKLIVESMATTER from the Asbury United Methodist Church on Dec. Tarrio was ordered to stay away from Washington, and law enforcement later said Tarrio was picked up in part to help quell potential violence. Capitol and disrupted the certification of the Electoral College vote.

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Tarrio was arrested as he arrived in Washington two days before thousands of supporters of then-President Donald Trump - including members of the Proud Boys - descended on the U.S. National Security DOJ Fails To Persuade Judge To Keep Proud Boys 'Sergeant Of Arms' Behind Bars

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